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Practice Tests for Quantitative Ability Sbi Clerk

Updated MCQs on Quantitative Aptitude topic HCF and LCM can be tried upon here. Improve your skills in the subject and increase your chances of clearing the SBI Clerk Exam.

Prepare for SBI Clerk with best free online resources. Practice some daunting and challenging questions that you might not be able to find anywhere online from the topic Problems on Train.

SBI Clerk Exam will have a handful of questions on time & distance problems, prepare well with this free mock series for that. Calculate the accurate values of questions asked from the topic Time and Distance.

Devote some time for this free online SBI Clerk practice test to get familiar with the exam pattern. Ratio and proportion questions require time and memory for remembering complex fractional conversions.

Try out some sample questions on the topic Average for Quantitative Analysis for SBI Clerk examination. Always compare the score achieved in consecutive SBI Clerk mock tests to know where you stand.

Calculate the Compound Interest generated through the transactions mentioned in a question. SBI Clerical exam has a bunch of questions from this topic.

Time and Work questions that are asked in this Free Online SBI Clerk Preparation Exam, attempt all important MCQs here. This online test series also has questions from previous years SBI Clerk exams.

Evaluate the net profit and loss in the questions asked in this Quant Test Series for the preparation of SBI Clerical Exam. Do not miss out any of the questions due to a lengthy calculation.

The section covers questions and answers from Quantitative Aptitude topic Percentage. SBI Clerk Examination has elements of percentages in each subject associated with quant.

This free online SBI Clerical mock exam has a bunch of important Math MCQs related to simple interest. Calculate the Simple Interest generated through the transactions mentioned in a question.

Reasoning Ability

Quantitative Ability

English Language